
a Linux Mint-based A/V-system for creatives


QStudio64 is a Linux distribution specifically designed for audio and video production, built upon the Linux Mint operating system. It is a 64-bit architecture-based distro, optimized for professional workflows!

key features




To try QStudio64 just burn the ISO-file on DVD or use USB/SD-Card with the โ€œusb-image-writerโ€ (Accessoires/Zubehรถr) and boot it as a Live-System from dvd/usb. Install it from the booted live-system with the INSTALL-RELEASE-Button onto your harddisk OR just use it as a special live system from stick. You can find further information on our Downloads page.


feedback, questions, bugs can be reported via E-Mail to: lmaudio@subvertising.org ๐Ÿ“ง


In case you enjoy the project and would like to support us, please consider donating.

Monero Adress

QR Code for the Monero Wallet of the qstudio64 project

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